#1 at the Entrepreneur Rocket Fuel Summit #14!
Wow! Our fearless leader, Diane Lund ranked #1 at the Entrepreneurs Rocket Fuel Summit #14. Excellent news. The miracle is that the talk she gave at the Summit will go out to 250,000 people. That is the prize for being #1 on the dashboard. So, if you came to the talk...
New SOULutions Summit
It's time for happy, brave, wild change!
Why Did I Write The Books: Turn Your World Upside Down To Get Your Life Right Side Up: Book I And II?
I wrote these books because I wanted to tell people the stories that changed my life and made it happier, healthier and more peaceful. As a long-time student, teacher and Reverend for A Course in Miracles I am dedicated to helping people think from love and not from...
The Internet Is A Divine Tool
I believe the Internet is an amazing tool that can help us understand that we are all divinely connected. The Internet can connect us all. We all see how it works. We see how technology can do it. This is the first step. The next step is realizing you can do this same...
Signs – Three Short Stories of How The Universe Talks To Me.
STORY NUMBER ONE: AARDVARK, ANTEATER OR ARMADILLO – OH MY! Has this happened to you? Signs, signs! I love signs from the universe. It is one way we can have a conversation with the Divine. I thought I would mention that last Sunday I was listening to an audio book by...