Podcast Nine With Carole Ames, Mtc, Dip.C, Bes
The Quantum Laugh
Typical Thinking: Humour can hurt.
The Miracle Mindset: Humour can transform.
Carole Ames has used humour both as a weapon against herself and a way to open up to herself. In this podcast she explores the evolution of her journey to find her authentic self through the vehicle of humour. She talks about moving from a fear-based stance in which I constantly felt discouraged, incompetent, and fake to where I am now: an imperfect yet complete human being who is loving, solid, clear-thinking, compassionate, creative – and often, funny!
Carole Ames, Mtc, Dip.C, Bes
Carole has forged a full and successful career in planning, management, and human relations. She has cultivated her humour, creativity, and integrity, blending these attributes in all of her work.
Carole’s career has taken her from director of planning for the City of Yellowknife, NWT, to being a mentor/advisor for two holistic centres near Beijing, China, with many stops in-between. She is the founder and principal of Creative Pursuits in Victoria, BC, where she currently offers facilitation for individuals, relationships, and teams.
Carole is an active member of The Haven Institute’s Core Faculty, leading programs for them on Gabriola Island, BC as well as in China. These include foundational personal development programs as well as her flagship program “Getting Unstuck: The Alchemy of Humour,” which has been offered in various iterations for twenty years now.
One of Carole’s personal interests has been the exploration of film, theatre, and improv. She has appeared in a number of productions and has directed a one-woman play – a comedy, naturally!
You can find Carole playing on an Improv stage, facilitating a workshop, or at any of the links below.