Episode Five With Reverend Lisa Windsor

Every Child Is A Divine Assignment

Typical Thinking: Follow the world’s advice about raising a child.
The Miracle Mindset: Follow your inner guidance about raising a child

Can a change in your mindset make all the difference in your parenting? Reverend Lisa Windsor says it did for her. She wants to inspire parents to see each child as a divine assignment and the role of parenting as an essential part of our growth journey. She explains how becoming a parent was a huge catalyst for our own spiritual evolution as she learned early on that my own inner intuitive compass was an essential navigation tool for parenting my children. To follow in her footsteps, she offers a free downloadable step by step worksheet on how to an intuitive parent.


Reverend Lisa Windsor is an ordained spiritual minister, spiritual coach, and A Course in Miracles mentor. She founded Modern Miracles Spiritual Wellness a growing community based on the teachings of A Course in Miracles. Lisa has been a student of spirituality for over twenty years and is passionate about living the transformational teachings from the Course through the practice of true forgiveness. Her deep trust in her Inner Teacher has led to profound healing and clarity. Lisa is inspired to share the joyful message that we are loved, whole, and eternally safe. Her approach is focused on practical application and open-hearted honesty. Through the teachings of A Course in Miracles, Lisa reveals the miracles that occur when we follow our inner guidance and truly forgive.

Lisa lives near Vancouver, BC with her four amazing kids who inspire her to forgive often and love unconditionally.
